Halle Berry (51 l.) oprócz tego, że jest utalentowaną aktorką, może pochwalić się również zgrabnym ciałem. Mimo że jest już po 50. ma figurę nastolatki.
Halle Berry potwierdziła swój związek z młodszym partnerem
Na ostatnim zdjęciu na Instagramie jest w samych majtkach i… stoi na głowie. W długim poście napisała o zaletach jogi i medytacji. Wprawdzie wymienia to, że jest szczęśliwsz i bardziej kreatywna, ale z pewnością „efektem ubocznym” jest idealne ciało Halle.
Chciałybyście tak wyglądać w tym wieku?
It’s #FitnessFriday AGAIN! Today I’m proud to share my new #yoga pose. Thanks to all of you, I got super inspired and challenged myself to a head stand! I continue to challenge each of you to try new poses as well and share them with me by tagging #FitnessFridayHB. Today, let’s talk not just about yoga poses, but also about the meditative aspects of yoga. Many argue that some of the happiest people are those who spend time each day meditating. I can tell you that I’ve felt happier and more like my best self since I started. I’ve learned that meditation helps to balance your left brain and right brain, and as a result I feel more creative, I can absorb information faster and I experience better emotional health. #Meditation also helps me stay in touch with my “little me”, that little girl who keeps me curious and open to the newness of each day and every new experience that comes my way. Meditation keeps me connected to God, Mother Earth, a higher power or whatever you prefer, and reminds me that while we are all on a solo journey, we are never alone! So today, if you don’t already, try to find 20 minutes to meditate or pray. If you can make this ritual a part of your dailies, watch how your life will transform! Also today on my IG Stories and fitness highlight, I’m sharing my keto lunch. Enjoy 💪🏽❤️
Post udostępniony przez Halle Berry (@halleberry) Mar 23, 2018 o 11:06 PDT
This #FitnessFriday is dedicated to the importance of stretching! After I work out, it’s important for me to stretch and lengthen. Fitness is not just about running, lifting and punching. For me, being athletic and super fit is also about being still, stretching and breathing. Including stretching in my fitness program helps my muscles stay long, limber, improves my mobility and range of motion and, most importantly, helps me avoid injuries. This is one of my favorite #yoga poses, the shoulder stand, that stretches my lower spine and legs. I feel 2 inches taller after this stretch! Some people use yoga poses to manage stress, increase circulation, for medication, recovery, better sleep, and mobility just to name a few. Check out my Fitness IG Story to see a stretch I like for hip mobility that lengthens my sides and for today's #keto meal. Today I challenge you to share your best yoga pose. If you don't have one, I encourage you to search for one, post about it, tag #FitnessFridayHB and tell me how it makes you feel. ❤️🙏🏽
Post udostępniony przez Halle Berry (@halleberry) Mar 2, 2018 o 1:45 PST